[Back] Paul Jackson Jr. Credits On Share page: Staff Info BORN PLACE DEATH ACTIVE SUBMIT CORRECTIONS Add Info Purchase eBay Overview Discography Albums Year Title Label Rating 1976 Herbie Hancock - Man-child COLUMBIA (4.3333333333333 / 3) 33 1979 Jermaine Jackson - Let's Get Serious MOTOWN (4.8571428571429 / 7) 77 1980 Alphonse Mouzon - Morning Sun PALISA (5 / 2) 22 1984 Bobby King - Love In The Fire MOTOWN (3 / 1) 11 1984 Johnnie Taylor - Best Of The Old And The New BEVERLY GLEN (0 / 0) 00 1984 Philip Bailey - The Wonders Of His Love MYRRH (5 / 1) 11 1985 Stacy Lattisaw - I'm Not The Same Girl COTILLION (4.2 / 10) 1010 1985 Stephanie Mills - Stephanie Mills MCA (3.75 / 4) 44 1986 Bob James - Double Vision With David Sanborn WARNER BROS. (4 / 2) 22 1987 Jellybean - Just Visiting This Planet CHRYSALIS (3 / 1) 11 1987 Pauli Carman - It's Time COLUMBIA (2.5 / 2) 22 1987 Alphonse Mouzon - Love Fantasy MPC (0 / 0) 00 1988 Siedah Garrett - Kiss Of Life QWEST (4 / 3) 33 1988 Gregory Hines - Gregory Hines EPIC (0 / 0) 00 1989 Calloway - All The Way EPIC (5 / 3) 33 1990 Terry Steele - King Of Hearts SBK (4 / 2) 22 1994 Lalah Hathaway - A Moment VIRGIN (3 / 2) 22 2010 Alexander Boynton Jr. - Doo Bee Doo Bop ALEXANDER BOYNTON JR. (4.5 / 2) 22 1977 Lenny White - Big City NEMPEROR (CBS) (5 / 1) 11 1978 Lenny Williams - Spark Of Love ABC (3 / 2) 22 1978 Donald Byrd - Thank You...for F.u.m.l. (funking Up My Life) ELEKTRA (4.6666666666667 / 3) 33 1979 Cheryl Lynn - In Love COLUMBIA (5 / 1) 11 1979 Crusaders - Street Life MCA (3.8 / 5) 55 1979 Patrice Rushen - Pizzazz ELEKTRA (4.8 / 5) 55 1979 Webster Lewis - 8 For The Eighties EPIC (4 / 6) 66 1979 The Whispers - Whisper In Your Ear SOLAR (3.5 / 2) 22 1979 Lamont Dozier - Bittersweet WARNER BROS. (3.5 / 4) 44 1979 Cuba Gooding - Love Dancer MOTOWN (2.6666666666667 / 3) 33 1979 Joe Sample - Carmel ABC [IMPORT] (4 / 2) 22 1979 Alton Mcclain And Destiny - It Must Be Love POLYDOR (5 / 2) 22 1979 High Inergy - Frenzy GORDY (3 / 1) 11 1980 Patrice Rushen - Posh ELEKTRA (4.4 / 10) 1010 1980 Rodney Franklin - You'll Never Know COLUMBIA (4.1538461538462 / 13) 1313 1980 Aretha Franklin - Aretha 80 ARISTA (3.3333333333333 / 3) 33 1981 Lamont Dozier - Working On You (2.75 / 4) 44 1981 Freddie Hubbard - Splash FANTASY (3.7142857142857 / 7) 77 1981 Bobby King - Bobby King WARNER BROS. (1 / 1) 11 1981 Bob Bailey - Looking Forward TRIANGLE (0 / 0) 00 1981 Stevie Woods - Take Me To Your Heaven COTILLION (5 / 2) 22 1981 Victor Tavares - Victor Tavares POLYDOR (0 / 0) 00 1982 Dynasty - Right Back At Cha! SOLAR (4.375 / 8) 88 1982 Magic Lady - Hot 'n' Sassy A&M (2.75 / 8) 88 1982 Stix Hooper - Touch The Feeling MCA (4 / 1) 11 1982 The Four Tops - One More Mountain CASBLANCA (3.5 / 4) 44 1982 Sonny Charles - The Sun Still Shines HIGHRISE ENTERTAINMENT CO. (0 / 0) 00 1983 George Benson - In Your Eyes COLUMBIA (3.9285714285714 / 14) 1414 1983 Wilton Felder - Gentle Fire MCA (4.4285714285714 / 7) 77 1983 Jeffrey Osborne - Stay With Me Tonight A&M (3.25 / 4) 44 1983 Peabo Bryson - Born To Love CAPITOL (2.7222222222222 / 18) 1818 1984 Peabo Bryson - Straight From The Heart ELEKTRA (4 / 7) 77 1984 Deniece Williams - Let's Hear It For The Boy CBS (3.8333333333333 / 6) 66 1984 Janice Marie Johnson - One Taste Of Honey CAPITOL (3.5714285714286 / 7) 77 1984 Al Jarreau - High Crime WARNER BROS. (4 / 3) 33 1985 George Benson - 20/20 WARNER BROS. (4.7142857142857 / 7) 77 1985 George Duke - Thief In The Night ELEKTRA (4.3333333333333 / 3) 33 1985 New Edition - All For Love MCA (3.5714285714286 / 7) 77 1985 Ray Parker Jr. - Sex And The Single Man ARISTA (3.1428571428571 / 7) 77 1985 Earl Klugh - Soda Fountain Shuffle WARNER BROS. (2.6666666666667 / 3) 33 1985 Maurice White - Maurice White COLUMBIA (3.6666666666667 / 3) 33 1985 Smokey Robinson - Smoke Signals TAMLA (3.5 / 2) 22 1985 Vernessa Mitchell - This Is My Story (0 / 0) 00 1986 Jeffrey Osborne - Emotional A&M (3.4 / 5) 55 1986 George Benson - While The City Sleeps WARNER BROS. (4.4285714285714 / 7) 77 1986 Howard Hewett - I Commit To Love ELEKTRA (4 / 8) 88 1986 Luther Vandross - Give Me The Reason EPIC (4.9090909090909 / 11) 1111 1986 O' Bryan - Surrender CAPITOL (4 / 9) 99 1986 Bobby Brown - King Of Stage MCA (5 / 2) 22 1986 Pauli Carman - Dial My Number CBS (0 / 0) 00 1986 Randy Crawford - Abstract Emotions WARNER BROS. (4.5 / 2) 22 1986 Philip Bailey - Triumph A&M (1 / 1) 11 1987 Herb Alpert - Keep Your Eye On Me A&M (3.5 / 2) 22 1987 Whitney Houston - Whitney ARISTA (3.3333333333333 / 3) 33 1987 Cheryl Lynn - Start Over MANHATTAN (4.5 / 2) 22 1987 Pebbles - Pebbles MCA (5 / 1) 11 1987 Paulinho Da Costa - Breakdown A&M (3 / 5) 55 1988 Luther Vandross - Any Love EPIC (4.5 / 14) 1414 1988 Gerald Alston - Gerald Alston MOTOWN (3.75 / 8) 88 1988 George Benson - Twice The Love WARNER BROS. (4.6666666666667 / 6) 66 1988 George Howard - Reflections MCA (3 / 3) 33 1988 Bebe And Cece Winans - Heaven CAPITOL (0 / 0) 00 1988 Gerald Albright - Bermuda Nights ATLANTIC (4.5 / 2) 22 1988 Deniece Williams - As Good As It Gets COLUMBIA (3.3333333333333 / 3) 33 1988 Desiree Coleman - Desiree MOTOWN (4 / 3) 33 1988 Tracie Spencer - Tracie Spencer CAPITOL (3.5 / 2) 22 1988 Al Jarreau - Heart's Horizon REPRISE (3.6666666666667 / 3) 33 1988 Rodney Franklin - Diamond Inside Of You JIVE/NOVUS (3.4285714285714 / 7) 77 1989 Peabo Bryson - All My Love CAPITOL (3.75 / 12) 1212 1989 Atlantic Starr - We're Movin' Up WARNER BROS. (2 / 11) 1111 1989 Debbie Allen - Special Look MCA (0 / 0) 00 1989 George Howard - Personal MCA (4.5 / 2) 22 1989 Roberta Flack - Oasis ATLANTIC (5 / 1) 11 1989 Deniece Williams - Special Love CAPITOL (3.8 / 5) 55 1989 George Duke - Night After Night ELEKTRA (4.1666666666667 / 6) 66 1989 The Isley Brothers - Spend The Night WARNER BROS. (3.7142857142857 / 7) 77 1989 John Patitucci - On The Corner GRP (0 / 0) 00 1990 Gerald Albright - Dream Come True ATLANTIC (4 / 2) 22 1990 Gerald Alston - Open Invitation MOTOWN (4 / 6) 66 1990 The Whispers - More Of The Night CAPITOL (4.5454545454545 / 11) 1111 1990 Whitney Houston - I'm Your Baby Tonight ARISTA (3 / 1) 11 1991 Bebe And Cece Winans - Different Lifesyles CAPITOL (3.75 / 4) 44 1991 Miles Jaye - Strong ISLAND (3 / 1) 11 1991 Jeff Lorber - Worth Waiting For VERVE (5 / 2) 22 1991 Luther Vandross - Power Of Love EPIC (4.4 / 5) 55 1991 Peabo Bryson - Can You Stop The Rain COLUMBIA (3.6666666666667 / 3) 33 1991 Kenny Smith - Don't Give Up COMMAND (0 / 0) 00 1992 Bobby Brown - Bobby MCA (4.5 / 2) 22 1992 Bobby Lyle - Secret Island ATLANTIC (4 / 2) 22 1992 George Duke - Snapshot WARNER BROS. (3.5 / 2) 22 1992 Najee - Just An Illusion EMI (4.6666666666667 / 3) 33 1992 Rachelle Ferrell - Rachelle Ferrell MANHATTAN/CAPITOL (5 / 1) 11 1993 Mica Paris - Whisper A Prayer (4 / 1) 11 1993 Luther Vandross - Never Let Me Go EPIC (4.4 / 5) 55 1993 The Winans - All Out QWEST (0 / 0) 00 1993 George Howard - When Summer Comes GRP (3 / 1) 11 1993 Regina Belle - Passion COLUMBIA (4 / 2) 22 1993 Norman Connors - Remember Who You Are MOTOWN JAZZ (0 / 0) 00 1993 James Ingram - Always You QWEST (4 / 2) 22 1994 Bebe And Cece Winans - Relationships CAPITOL (0 / 0) 00 1994 Carl Anderson - Heavy Weather Sunlight Again GRP (0 / 0) 00 1994 George Howard - Home Far Away GRP (3 / 1) 11 1994 Gerald Albright - Smooth ATLANTIC (4 / 2) 22 1994 Jeff Lorber - West Side Stories VERVE (4.75 / 4) 44 1994 Patrice Rushen - Anything But Ordinary DISCOVERY (3.5 / 8) 88 1995 Howard Hewett - It's Time CALIBER (5 / 1) 11 1995 Bobby Caldwell - Soul Survivor SINDROME (0 / 0) 00 1995 George Howard - Attitude Adjustment GRP (4 / 1) 11 1995 Harvey Mason - Ratamacue ARISTA (3.5 / 2) 22 1996 Luther Vandross - Your Secret Love EPIC (4.2 / 5) 55 1997 Gerald Albright - Live To Love ATLANTIC (5 / 2) 22 1997 Pieces Of A Dream - Pieces BLUE NOTE (5 / 1) 11 1997 Virtue - Virtue JIVE (0 / 0) 00 1997 Bebe Winans - Bebe Winans ATLANTIC (0 / 0) 00 1998 Tami Davis - Only You RED ANT (0 / 0) 00 1998 Robin S - Show Me Love RHYTHM (0 / 0) 00 1998 Luther Vandross - I Know VIRGIN (4.8 / 5) 55 1998 George Howard - Midnight Mood GRP (0 / 0) 00 1998 Gerald Albright - Pleasures Of The Night VERVE FORECAST (0 / 0) 00 1999 K-ci & Jojo - It's Real MCA (5 / 1) 11 2000 Reggie Calloway - Walking Through Raindrops EXPANSION (5 / 1) 11 2000 Bebe Winans - Love And Freedom MOTOWN (0 / 0) 00 2002 Gerald Albright - Groovology GRP (4 / 2) 22 2002 Boyz Ii Men - Full Circle ARISTA (3.5 / 2) 22 2003 Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father J (3.4444444444444 / 9) 99 2003 Virtue - Free VERITY (0 / 0) 00 2003 Ann Nesby - Make Me Better ENTERTAINMENT (0 / 0) 00 2004 Anita Baker - My Everything BLUE NOTE (0 / 0) 00 2006 Gerald Albright - New Beginnings PEAK (5 / 1) 11 SAFM MarketplaceBuy Vinyl/CD HerePLAYLISTBTTOS Playlist Top 25 Day 1. Michael Jackson 2. Quincy Jones 3. The O'Jays 4. Donna Summer 5. Millie Jackson 6. Aretha Franklin 7. The Brothers Johnson 8. Jackson Five 9. B.t. Express 10. The Real Thing 11. Various Artists 12. B B & Q Band 13. Marvin Gaye 14. The Ritchie Family 15. James Ingram 16. Deodato (Eumir) 17. D-Train 18. Willie Clayton 19. One Way 20. Peter Jacques Band 21. Steve Arrington 22. The Jacksons 23. Kleeer 24. Richard Jon Smith 25. Change Login Only for admins Username Password Secret Key Remember Me Log in Forgot your username? Forgot your password?