
The Winans family is a large family of gospel musicians who have recorded as several different groups and individual projects. Delores and David (Mom and Pop) Winans met while in the Lucille Lemon Choir conducted by James Cleveland who also taught Aretha Franklin. David and Delores organized yearly Christmas concerts at Mercy Hall in which their 10 children participated. Delores and David recorded records as Mom and Pop Winans as well as separately.

Brothers Marvin, Carvin, Michael and Ronald Winans grew up in Detroit, Michigan and were discovered by Andrae Crouch who signed them to Light Records as The Winans. Their first record, Introducing the Winans was produced in 1981. Their style was noted for its crossover efforts and received airplay on R&B radio. The group's last record was recorded in 1995.

Marvin Winan increasingly focused on work as the pastor of Perfecting Church in Detroit where he continued to record albums with the church's choir. Ron released a solo album in 2003 on the EMI Gospel label. Michael recorded an album with his wife Regina and background vocals by his children Michael, Jr. and LaShay.

Brother Daniel Winans was also a Grammy-winning gospel musician.

Younger brother Benjamin (BeBe Winans) recorded with sister Precilla (CeCe Winans) as BeBe and CeCe Winans and each later recorded as solo acts. They were seventh and eighth in birth order. CeCe also founded the Pure Springs Gospel label.

Sisters Angie and Debbie Winans were the youngest members of the family. They had a 1997 album Bold. Debbie Winans later released a children's album.

Vicki Winans was the wife of Marvin and has had a successful solo career. She was also raised in a musical family in Detroit and had her debut solo album in 1985.

Winans Phase II was formed in 1998 and recorded on Myrrh Records. It consists of Marvin Winans Jr., Carvin Winans Jr., Michael Winans Jr., and Juan Winans, (another son of Carvin, Sr.) Michael Winans also released a solo album and has produced songs for his aunt, Vicki Winans' album.

Mario Winans has a successful career as a solo gospel and R&B artist with a debut in 1997 and a Billboard number one album in 2004. He is another son of Marvin and Vicki Winans. Add/Complete Bio


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