James Day Songs – Song, Soul & SpiritWritten by Funk Freak James Day Songs just released his brand new album 'Song, Soul & Spirit' featuring the vocals and musical talents of Glenn Jones, Tony Terry, Lin Rountree, Sandra St Victor, Audrey Wheeler, Walter Beasley, Trina Broussard, Cheryl Pepsii Riley, and Read more ...
T-Groove - Move Your BodyWritten by Funk Freak Fantastic new album by T-Groove of modern day disco / boogie flavoured soul, with a definite feel good factor.
LEROY HUTSON unreleased boogie tracks Vol 1Written by Funk Freak User Rating: 5 / 5 A new SAPH Records release from Leroy Hutson, two fantastic boogie tunes from 1982 and 1988, Available from 14 march on SAPHRecords.com
LEROY HUTSON unreleased boogie tracks Vol 2Written by Funk Freak A new SAPH Records release from Leroy Hutson, two fantastic boogie tunes from 1982 and 1988, Available from 14 march on SAPHRecords.com